Wormhole as a possible accelerator of high-energy cosmic-ray particles [CL]


We present the simplest topological classification of wormholes and demonstrate that in open Friedmann models the genus $n\geq 1$ wormholes are stable and do not require the presence of exotic forms of matter, or any modification of general relativity. We show that such wormholes may also possess magnetic fields. It is found that when the wormhole gets into a galaxy or a surrounding region, it works as an accelerator of charged particles, or as a generator of synchrotron radiation. Estimates show that the threshold energy of such an accelerator may vary from sufficiently modest energies of the order of a few Gev, up to enormous energies of the Planckian order and even higher, depending on wormhole parameters.

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A. Savelova
Mon, 18 Feb 19

Comments: 8 pages, twocolumn