Linking the previous research that occurred over the last decades, I will try to provide some objective elements to evaluate the innovation of the joint observation of GW170817 and GRB 170817A and their occurrence detection, in light of preceding experiences regarding the experimental research of association between gamma-ray bursts and gravitational waves. Without debating about the phenomenological properties of astrophysical events, I propose a comparison between that result and the previous experimental research by the interferometer GW community, using a fundamental energy emission law, and including about fifteen years of accredited results regarding coincident detection. From the present review, an intense and old pre-existing activity in the field of multimessenger observations emerges giving a first interesting fact. The widespread opinion that joint detection of GW170817 and GRB 170817A has opened a new method in astrophysics does not find a robust reason. Moreover, some critical points highlight. In the past, applying the same multimessenger method, numerous measures have been taken towards much brighter and much closer sources. Then, it would have been plausible to see joint signals even taking into account a worse sensitivity of the instruments of the time. At current time, there is only one event associated to a subthreshold GRB, compared to a long list of candidate events that would have been much more revealing. If these inconsistencies are admissible enough to lead to a claim, then the question arises about the interpretation of the long previous measurements carried out applying the same multimessenger observation method but without positive responses.
G. Modestino
Tue, 12 Feb 19
Comments: 11 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables
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