A Quantum Complete Prelude to Inflation [CL]


It is shown that the inflationary paradigm admits quantum complete extensions of space-time. The extended inflationary spacetimes still have geodesic borders, but quantum fields are prohibited from migrating across these borders by their evolution semigroups. The geodesic singularities lurking across the borders lack a physical description because the evolution semigroups give vanishing probabilistic support to quantum fields for populating regions bordering on these singularities. As an example, anisotropic Bianchi type-I cosmologies are shown to be quantum complete preludes to inflation. They admit Kasner-like geometries close to their geodesic borders. Quantum fields enjoy a contractive evolution in these asymptotic regions and ultimately become free. As a consequence, quantum probes cannot migrate across the geodesic border of Bianchi type-I cosmologies.

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S. Hofmann, M. Schneider and M. Urban
Wed, 16 Jan 19

Comments: 8 pages