The dispersion relation of the fast neutrino oscillation wave [CL]

A dense neutrino medium can support neutrino oscillation waves which engender the collective flavor transformation of the neutrinos. The lack of systematic study of the dispersion relation (DR) of the neutrino oscillation wave has resulted in some important misunderstandings. We study the critical points of the DR function of the emerging fast flavor conversion of the neutrinos. We demonstrate how this theory can be applied to the neutrino medium with an (approximate) axial symmetry about the propagation direction of the neutrino oscillation wave. We also show how the instabilities can be identified by tracing the critical points of the DR as the electron lepton number distribution of the neutrino medium is changed continuously.

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C. Yi, L. Ma, J. Martin, et. al.
Tue, 8 Jan 19

Comments: 10 pages, 4 figures