Graph Database Solution for Higher Order Spatial Statistics in the Era of Big Data [CEA]

We present an algorithm for the fast computation of the general $N$-point spatial correlation functions of any discrete point set embedded within an Euclidean space of $\mathbb{R}^n$. Utilizing the concepts of kd-trees and graph databases, we describe how to count all possible $N$-tuples in binned configurations within a given length scale, e.g. all pairs of points or all triplets of points with side lengths $<r_{max}$. Through bench-marking we show the computational advantage of our new graph based algorithm over more traditional methods. We show that all 3-point configurations up to and beyond the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation scale ($\sim$200 Mpc in physical units) can be performed on current SDSS data in reasonable time. Finally we present the first measurements of the 4-point correlation function of $\sim$0.5 million SDSS galaxies over the redshift range $0.43<z<0.7$.

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C. Sabiu, B. Hoyle, J. Kim, et. al.
Thu, 3 Jan 19

Comments: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted