We report the discovery of HATS-71b, a transiting gas giant planet on a P = 3.7955 day orbit around a G = 15.35 mag M3 dwarf star. HATS-71 is the coolest M dwarf star known to host a hot Jupiter. The loss of light during transits is 4.7%, more than any other confirmed transiting planet system. The planet was identified as a candidate by the ground-based HATSouth transit survey. It was confirmed using ground-based photometry, spectroscopy, and imaging, as well as space-based photometry from the NASA TESS mission (TIC 234523599). Combining all of these data, and utilizing Gaia DR2, we find that the planet has a radius of $1.080 \pm 0.016 R_J$ and mass of $0.45 \pm 0.24 M_J$ (95% confidence upper limit of $0.81 M_J$ ), while the star has a mass of $0.569 \pm^{0.042}{0.069}\,M\odot$ and a radius of $0.5161\pm^{0.0053}{0.0099}\,R\odot$. The Gaia DR2 data show that HATS-71 lies near the binary main sequence in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, suggesting that there may be an unresolved stellar binary companion. All of the available data is well fitted by a model in which there is a secondary star of mass $0.24 M_\odot$, although we caution that at present there is no direct spectroscopic or imaging evidence for such a companion. Even if there does exist such a stellar companion, the radius and mass of the planet would be only marginally different from the values we have calculated under the assumption that the star is single.
G. Bakos, D. Bayliss, J. Bento, et. al.
Thu, 27 Dec 18
Comments: Submitted to AJ
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