The Evolution towards Electron-capture Supernovae: the Flame Propagation and the Pre-bounce Electron-neutrino Radiation [HEAP]

A critical mass ONe core with a high ignition density is considered to end in gravitational collapse leading to neutron star formation. Being distinct from a Fe core collapse, the final evolution involves combustion flame propagation, in which complex phase transition from ONe elements into the nuclear-statistical-equilibrium (NSE) state takes place. We simulate the core evolution from the O+Ne ignition until the bounce shock penetrates the whole core, using a state-of-the-art 1D Lagrangian neutrino-radiation-hydrodynamic code, in which important nuclear burning, electron capture, and neutrino reactions are taken into account. Special care is also taken in making a stable initial condition by importing the stellar EOS, which is used for the progenitor evolution calculation, and by improving the remapping process. We find that the central ignition leads to intense $\nu_e$ radiation with $L_{\nu_e} \gtrsim 10^{51}$ erg s$^{-1}$ powered by fast electron captures onto NSE isotopes. This pre-bounce $\nu_e$ radiation heats the surroundings by the neutrino-electron scattering, which acts as a new driving mechanism of the flame propagation together with the adiabatic contraction. The resulting flame velocity of $\sim10^8$ cm s$^{-1}$ will be more than one-order-of-magnitude faster than that of laminar flame driven by heat conduction. We also find that the duration of the pre-bounce $\nu_e$ radiation phase depends on the degree of the core hydrostatic/dynamical stability. Therefore, the future detection of the pre-bounce neutrino is important not only to discriminate the ONe core collapse from the Fe core collapse but also to constrain the progenitor hydrodynamical stability.

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K. Takahashi, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada, et. al.
Wed, 19 Dec 18

Comments: 26 pages, 23 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ