Investigation of surface homogeneity of (3200) Phaethon [EPA]

Time-series multi-band photometry and spectrometry were performed in Nov.-Dec. 2017 to investigate the homogeneity of the surface of asteroid (3200) Phaethon. We found that Phaethon is a B-type asteroid, in agreement with previous studies, and that it shows no evidence for rotational color variation. The sub-solar latitude during our observation period was approximately 55 degree S, which corresponded to the southern hemisphere of Phaethon. Thus, we found that the southern hemisphere of Phaethon has a homogeneous surface. We compared our spectra with existing spectral data to examine the latitudinal surface properties of Phaethon. The result showed that it doesn’t have a latitudinal color variation. To explain this observation, we investigated the solar-radiation heating effect on Phaethon, and the result suggested that Phaethon underwent a uniform thermal metamorphism regardless of latitude, which was consistent with our observations. Based on this result, we discuss the homogeneity of the surface of Phaethon.

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H. Lee, M. Kim, D. Kim, et. al.
Thu, 6 Dec 18

Comments: 20 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables; Accepted for publication in Planetary & space science