Towards new solutions for scientific computing: the case of Julia [IMA]

This year marks the consolidation of Julia (, a programming language designed for scientific computing, as the first stable version (1.0) has been released, in August 2018. Among its main features, expressiveness and high execution speeds are the most prominent: the performance of Julia code is similar to statically compiled languages, yet Julia provides a nice interactive shell and fully supports Jupyter; moreover, it can transparently call external codes written in C, Fortran, and even Python and R without the need of wrappers. The usage of Julia in the astronomical community is growing, and a GitHub organization named JuliaAstro takes care of coordinating the development of packages. In this paper, we present the features and shortcomings of this language and discuss its application in astronomy and astrophysics.

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M. Tomasi and M. Giordano
Wed, 5 Dec 18

Comments: To appear in the Proceedings of ADASS2018