Persistent topology of the reionisation bubble network. I: Formalism & Phenomenology [CEA]

We present a new formalism for studying the topology of HII regions during the Epoch of Reionisation, based on persistent homology theory. With persistent homology, it is possible to follow the evolution of topological features over time. We introduce the notion of a persistence field as a statistical summary of persistence data and we show how these fields can be used to identify different stages of reionisation. We identify two new stages common to all bubble ionisation scenarios. Following an initial pre-overlap and subsequent overlap stage, the topology is first dominated by neutral filaments (filament stage) and then by enclosed patches of neutral hydrogen undergoing outside-in ionisation (patch stage). We study how these stages are affected by the degree of galaxy clustering. We also show how persistence fields can be used to study other properties of the ionisation topology, such as the bubble size distribution and the fractal-like topology of the largest ionised region.

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W. Elbers and R. Weygaert
Tue, 4 Dec 18

Comments: 18 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. Submitted to MNRAS