On the covariance of scalar averaging and backreaction in relativistic inhomogeneous cosmology [CL]


We introduce a generalization of the 4-dimensional averaging window function of Gasperini, Marozzi and Veneziano (2010) that may prove useful for a number of applications. The covariant nature of spatial scalar averaging schemes to address the averaging problem in relativistic cosmology is an important property that is implied by construction, but usually remains implicit. We employ here the approach of Gasperini et al. for two reasons. First, the formalism and its generalization presented here are manifestly covariant. Second, the formalism is convenient for disentangling the dependencies on foliation, volume measure, and boundaries in the averaged expressions entering in scalar averaging schemes. These properties will prove handy for simplifying expressions, but also for investigating extremal foliations and for comparing averaged properties of different foliations directly. The proposed generalization of the window function allows for choosing the most appropriate averaging scheme for the physical problem at hand, and for distinguishing between the role of the foliation itself and the role of the volume measure in averaged dynamic equations. We also show that one particular window function obtained from this generalized class results in an averaging scheme corresponding to that of a recent investigation by Buchert, Mourier and Roy (2018) and, as a byproduct, we explicitly show that the general equations for backreaction derived therein are covariant.

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A. Heinesen, P. Mourier and T. Buchert
Tue, 4 Dec 18

Comments: 19 pages