Abundant Serendipitous Emission Line Sources with JWST/NIRSpec [GA]


The James Webb Space Telescope will provide observational capabilities that far exceed those of current ground- or space-based instrumentation. In particular, the NIRSpec instrument will take highly sensitive spectroscopic data for hundreds of objects simultaneously from 0.6-5.3 microns. Current photometric observations suggest a large and increasing number of faint (M_UV > -16) galaxies at high-redshift, with increasing evidence that galaxies at these redshifts have optical emission lines with extremely high equivalent widths. A simple model of their emission line fluxes and number density evolution with redshift is used to predict the number of galaxies that NIRSpec will serendipitously observe during normal observations with the microshutter array. At exposure times of ~20 hours in the low-resolution prism mode, the model predicts that, on average, every open 1×3 ‘microslit’ will contain an un-targeted galaxy with a detectable [O III] and/or H$\alpha$ emission line; many of these objects are spectroscopically detectable even when they are fainter than current photometric limits and/or their flux centroids lie outside of the open microshutter area. The predicted number counts for such galaxies match z ~ 2 observations of [O III] emitters from slitless grism spectroscopic surveys, as well as theoretical predictions based on sophisticated modeling of galaxy spectral energy distributions. These serendipitous detections could provide the largest numbers of z > 6 spectroscopic confirmations in the deepest NIRSpec surveys.

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M. Maseda, M. Franx, J. Chevallard, et. al.
Fri, 30 Nov 18

Comments: 17 pages, 15 figures; submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome