A SINFONI view of the nuclear activity and circumnuclear star formation in NGC 4303 – II: Spatially resolved stellar populations [GA]


We present a spatially resolved stellar population study of the inner $\sim$200\,pc radius of NGC4303 based on near-infrared integral field spectroscopy with SINFONI/VLT at a spatial resolution of 40-80pc and using the STARLIGHT code. We found the distribution of the stellar populations presents a spatial variation, suggesting an age stratification. Three main structures stand out. Two nuclear blobs, one composed by young stars (t $\leq$ 50Myr) and one with intermediate-age stars (50Myr $<$ t $\leq$ 2Gyr) both shifted from the centre. The third one is an internal intermediate-age spiral arm-like structure, surrounding the blob of young stars. Our results indicate star formation has occurred through multiple bursts in this source. Furthermore, the youngest stellar populations (t $\lesssim$ 2Gyr) are distributed along a circumnuclear star-forming ring with r$\sim$250pc. The ring displays star formation rates (SFRs) in the range of 0.002-0.14M${\odot}$yr$^{-1}$, favoring the `pearls-on-a-string’ scenario. The old underlying bulge stellar population component (t $>$ 2Gyr) is distributed outside the two blob structures. For the nuclear region (inner $\sim$60pc radius) we derived a SFR of 0.43\,M${\odot}$yr$^{-1}$ and found no signatures of non-thermal featureless continuum and hot dust emission, supporting the scenario in which a LLAGN/LINER-like source is hidden in the centre of NGC4303. Thus, our results reveal a rather complex star formation history in NGC4303, with different stellar population components coexisting with a low efficiency accreting black hole in its centre.

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N. Dametto, R. Riffel, L. Colina, et. al.
Tue, 6 Nov 18

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