Science with an ngVLA: SETI Searches for Evidence of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy [IMA]

Radio SETI experiments aim to test the hypothesis that extraterrestrial civilizations emit detectable signals from communication, propulsion, or other technologies. The unprecedented capabilities of next generation radio telescopes, including ngVLA, will allow us to probe hitherto unexplored regions of parameter space, thereby placing meaningful limits on the prevalence of technological civilizations in the Universe (or, if we are fortunate, making one of the most significant discoveries in the history of science). ngVLA provides critical capabilities in the 10 – 100 GHz range, and will be a valuable complement to SKA in the southern hemisphere, as well as surveying the sky at frequencies underexplored by previous SETI experiments.

Read this paper on arXiv…

S. Croft, A. Siemion, J. Cordes, et. al.
Wed, 17 Oct 18

Comments: To be published in the ASP Monograph Series, “Science with a Next-Generation VLA”, ed. E. J. Murphy (ASP, San Francisco, CA)