The AGN Ionization Cones of NGC 5728 : I – Excitation and Nuclear Structure [GA]

We explore the gas morphology and excitation mechanisms of the ionization cones of the Type II Seyfert galaxy NGC 5728. Near-IR and optical data from the SINFONI and MUSE IFUs on the VLT are combined with $HST$ optical images, $Chandra$ X-ray data and VLA radio observations. The complex nuclear structure has a star-forming (SF) ring with a diameter of 2 kpc. A radio jet impacts on the ISM at about 200 pc from the nucleus, with the SN remnants in the SF ring also present. Emission-line ratios of [Fe II] and H II show heavy extinction towards the nucleus, moderate extinction in the SF ring and reduced extinction in the ionization cones. The AGN is hidden by a dust bar with up to 19 magnitudes of visual extinction; the dust temperature at the nuclear position is ~870 K. An X-ray jet is aligned with the ionization cones, and associated with high-excitation emission lines of [Si VI] in a coronal-line region extending 300 pc from the nucleus.
Molecular hydrogen is spatially independent of the cones, concentrated in a disk equatorial to the star-forming ring, but also showing entrainment along the sides of the bicone. Gas masses for warm and cold H$_2$, H I and H II are estimated, and the excitation mechanisms for ionized and molecular gas are elucidated, from both optical (which shows a clean SF-AGN mixing sequence) and infrared diagnostics (which show more complicated, multi-component excitation regimes).

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M. Durré and J. Mould
Tue, 9 Oct 18

Comments: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 34 pages, 28 figures