In previous works we have considered various aspects of the reception of the theories of Albert Einstein in our country. In particular, we discussed the impact of his visit to Argentina in 1925, and the precise content of the conferences and scientific publications that Einstein communicated while he was here. We have also discussed, critically, different documents on topics related to the theory of relativity published in the country during the first decades of the last century, in which the technical level was extremely varied. Finally, we have dealt with a forgotten document, which Einstein prepared for his visit but, once in the country, thought it convenient not to communicate. In the present work, which is part of that same line of research, we propose to consider the scientific, cultural and pedagogical career of Enrique Loedel Palumbo (1901-1962), who was one of the main local actors during Einstein’s visit to Argentina. He was also one of the founders of the research on relativity issues in the Rio de la Plata. In addition to his strictly scientific interests, Loedel Palumbo took seriously the pedagogy of science and became interested in philosophical, cultural and artistic problems of his time.
A. Gangui and E. Ortiz
Tue, 9 Oct 18
Comments: Article in Spanish, PDF document. Published in Filosofia e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur. Seleccion de trabajos del IX Congreso y las XXV Jornadas de Epistemologia e Historia de la Ciencia, edited by J.Ahumada et al., Cordoba: Editorial de la UNC, pp. 279-287, 2015. Other related documents available at this http URL
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