An edge-on disk in the quadruply lensed quasar cross GraL~J181730853+272940139 [GA]

Data mining through large, multi-band ground-based surveys and the recent availability of source catalogues from the {\it Gaia} space mission has led to a surge in the number of known gravitationally lensed quasars, including some unusual systems. One of these newly discovered systems is GraL~J181730853+272940139. This system was reported in Delchambre et al. 2018, and was identified as a quadruply lensed quasar candidate via a machine learning search inside {\it Gaia} Data Release 2, where it consists of three sources with maximum separation $1.8”$. Lemon et al. in prep (private communications) confirmed it spectroscopically as a lensed quasar with source redshift $z=3.07$. A mass model of this system has not been published to date, and the highest resolution imaging data available is from PanSTARRS1 \citep{chambers16}, with seeing $\sim1.0”-1.3”$ in the $grizy$ filters. Here we present the first mass model of J1817+2729, which includes the measured relative astrometry and morphology of the lensing galaxy, using newly acquired Subaru/FOCAS imaging.

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C. Rusu and C. Lemon
Tue, 2 Oct 18

Comments: 3 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to RNAAS