We explore the effects of incorporating redshift uncertainty into measurements of galaxy clustering and cross-correlations of galaxy positions and CMB lensing maps. We use a simple Gaussian model for a redshift distribution in a redshift bin with two parameters, the mean, $z_0$, and the width, $\sigma_{\text{z}}$. We vary these parameters, as well as the galaxy bias, $b_{\text{g}}(z)$, and cosmological parameters $\sigma_8(z)$ and $\Omega_{\text{m}}$ in a Fisher analysis across 12 redshift bins from $z=0-7$. We find that incorporating redshift uncertainties degrades constraints on cosmological parameters in the LSST/CMB-S4 era by about a factor of 10 compared to the case of perfect redshift knowledge. In our fiducial analysis of LSST/CMB-S4 including redshift uncertainties, we project constraints on $\sigma_8(z)$ for $z<3$ of less than $5 \%$. Galaxy imaging surveys are expected to have priors on redshift parameters from photometric redshift algorithms and other methods. When adding priors with the expected precision for LSST redshift algorithms, the constraints on $\sigma_8(z)$ can be improved by a factor of 2-3 compared to the case of no priors. We also find that `self-calibrated’ constraints on the redshift parameters from just the auto-correlation and cross-correlation measurements (with no priors) are competitive with photometric redshift techniques. In the LSST/CMB-S4 era, we find uncertainty on the redshift parameters ($z_0,\sigma_{\text{z}}$) to be below 0.004(1+z) at $z<1$. For all parameters, constraints improve significantly if smaller scales can be used. We also project constraints for nearer term survey combinations: DES/SPT-SZ, DES/SPT-3G and LSST/SPT-3G.
R. Cawthon
Wed, 26 Sep 18
Comments: 18 pages, 20 figures, submitting to PRD. Presented as a thesis to the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The University of Chicago, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree
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