The Gravothermal Instability at all scales: from Turnaround Radius to Supernovae [CL]

The gravitational instability, responsible for the formation of structure in the Universe occurs below energy thresholds and above spatial scales of a self-gravitating expanding region, when thermal energy can no longer counterbalance self-gravity. I argue that at sufficient large scales, dark energy may restore thermal stability. This stability re-entrance of an isothermal sphere defines a turnaround radius, which dictates the maximum allowed size of any structure generated by gravitational instability. On the opposite limit of high energies and small scales, I will show that an ideal, quantum or classical, self-gravitating gas is subject to a high-energy relativistic gravothermal instability. It occurs at sufficient high energy and small radii, when thermal energy cannot support its own gravitational attraction. Applications of the phenomenon include neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae. I also extend the original Oppenheimer-Volkov calculation of the maximum mass limit of ideal neutron cores to the non-zero temperature regime, relevant to the whole cooling stage from a hot proto-neutron star down to the final cold state.

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Z. Roupas
Fri, 21 Sep 18

Comments: Contribution to proceedings of the 7th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP2018); to appear in the European Physical Journal Web of Conferences