TESS in the Solar System [IMA]


The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), launched successfully on 18th of April, 2018, will observe nearly the full sky and will provide time-series imaging data in ~27-day-long campaigns. TESS is equipped with 4 cameras; each has a field-of-view of 24×24 degrees. During the first two years of the primary mission, one of these cameras, Camera #1, is going to observe fields centered at an ecliptic latitude of 18 degrees. While the ecliptic plane itself is not covered during the primary mission, the characteristic scale height of the main asteroid belt and Kuiper belt implies that a significant amount of small solar system bodies will cross the field-of-view of this camera. Based on the comparison of the expected amount of information of TESS and Kepler/K2, we can compute the cumulative etendues of the two optical setups. This comparison results in roughly comparable optical etendues, however the net etendue is significantly larger in the case of TESS since all of the imaging data provided by the 30-minute cadence frames are downlinked rather than the pre-selected stamps of Kepler/K2. In addition, many principles of the data acquisition and optical setup are clearly different, including the level of confusing background sources, full-frame integration and cadence, the field-of-view centroid with respect to the apparent position of the Sun, as well as the differences in the duration of the campaigns. As one would expect, TESS will yield time-series photometry and hence rotational properties for only brighter objects, but in terms of spatial and phase space coverage, this sample will be more homogeneous and more complete. Here we review the main analogues and differences between the Kepler/K2 mission and the TESS mission, focusing on scientific implications and possible yields related to our Solar System.

Read this paper on arXiv…

A. Pál, L. Molnár and C. Kiss
Fri, 21 Sep 18

Comments: Accepted for publication in PASP