Rotational Temperature Modeling of the Swan $Δν= 0$ Band Sequence in Comet 122P/de~Vico [EPA]

We modeled observations of the C$_2$ $\mathrm{d} ^3\Pi_g – \mathrm{a} ^3\Pi_u$ (Swan) $\Delta \nu = 0$ sequence observed in spectra of comet 122P/de Vico obtained with the 2.7m Harlan J. Smith Telescope and Tull Coude spectrograph of McDonald observatory on 10/03/1995 and 10/04/1995. The data used spanned 4986-5169\AA at R=$\lambda/\Delta\lambda$=60,000. We used the PGOPHER molecular spectra model to generate and fit synthetic spectra with the d$^3\Pi_g$ having one and two rotational temperatures. We found the excited state had a two component rotational temperature, similar to that found for comet Halley. The modeled spectrum was sufficiently high quality that local perturbations were important to include. The large perturbation, b$^3\Sigma_g^-(\nu=10)$, was added to our fits and some new estimates on its molecular constants were found.

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T. Nelson, A. Cochran and C. Western
Fri, 21 Sep 18

Comments: This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part A:Isolated Molecules, Clusters, Radicals, and Ions; Environmental Chemistry, Geochemistry, and Astrochemistry; New Tools and Methods, copyright American Chemical Society after peer review