Oscillons in Higher-Derivative Effective Field Theories [CL]


We investigate the existence and behavior of oscillons in theories in which higher derivative terms are present in the Lagrangian, such as galileons. Such theories have emerged in a broad range of settings, from higher-dimensional models, to massive gravity, to models for late-time cosmological acceleration. By focusing on the simplest example—massive galileon effective field theories—we demonstrate that higher derivative terms can lead to the existence of completely new oscillons (quasi-breathers). We illustrate our techniques in the artificially simple case of 1 + 1 dimensions, and then present the complete analysis valid in 2 + 1 and 3 + 1 dimensions, exploring precisely how these new solutions are supported entirely by the non-linearities of the quartic galileon. These objects have the novel peculiarity that they are of the differentiability class $C^1$.

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J. Sakstein and M. Trodden
Fri, 21 Sep 18

Comments: 22 pages, three figures