Observational diagnostics of elongated planet-induced vortices with realistic planet formation timescales [EPA]


Gap-opening planets can generate dust-trapping vortices that may explain some of the latest discoveries of high-contrast crescent-shaped dust asymmetries in transition discs. While planet-induced vortices were previously thought to have concentrated shapes, recent computational work has shown that these features naturally become much more elongated in the gas when simulations account for the relatively long timescale over which planets accrete their mass. In this work, we conduct two-fluid hydrodynamical simulations of vortices induced by slowly-growing Jupiter-mass planets in discs with very low viscosity ($\alpha = 3 \times 10^{-5}$). We simulate the dust dynamics for {\cbf four particle sizes spanning 0.3 mm to 1 cm in order to produce synthetic ALMA images. In our simulations, we find that an elongated vortex still traps dust, but not directly at its center. With a flatter pressure bump and disruptions from the planet’s overlapping spiral density waves, the dust instead circulates around the vortex. This motion (1) typically carries the peak off-center, (2) spreads the dust out over a wider azimuthal extent $\geq 180^{\circ}$, (3) skews the azimuthal profile towards the front of the vortex, and (4) can also create double peaks in newly-formed vortices. The most defining signature, a peak offset of more than $30^{\circ}$, is detectable $>30\%$ of the time in observations with a beam diameter of at most the planet’s separation from its star.

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M. Hammer, P. Pinilla, K. Kratter, et. al.
Fri, 21 Sep 18

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS. Addressed first round of referee comments. 13 pages, 8 figures. Movies available at: this https URL