Coronal temperatures of the AGN ESO 103-035 and IGR 2124.7+5058 from NuSTAR observations [HEAP]

We present measurements of the coronae of two AGN from hard X-ray observations made with NuSTAR: ESO 103-035, a moderately to highly obscured source with significant reflection; and IGR 2124.7+5058, a radio-loud source with a very hard spectrum. Using an exponentially cut-off powerlaw model for the coronal emission spectrum gives a high-energy cut-off of $100_{-30}^{+90}$ keV for ESO 103-035 and $80_{-9}^{+11}$ keV for IGR 2124.7+5058, within the typical range for AGN. Fitting with physical Comptonisation models shows that these correspond to a temperature of $22_{-6}^{+19}$ and $20_{-2}^{+3}$ keV respectively. These values are consistent with pair production limiting the coronal temperature.

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D. Buisson, A. Fabian and A. Lohfink
Fri, 21 Sep 18

Comments: 9 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS accepted