Identifying the 3FHL catalog: I. Results of the KOSMOS optical spectroscopy campaign [GA]

We present the results of the optical spectroscopy follow-up of a sample of 28 unclassified blazars from the Third Fermi-LAT Catalog of High-Energy Sources (3FHL). All the spectra were taken with the 4m Mayall telescope at Kitt Peak. With this follow-up program we are able to classify 27 out of 28 objects as BL Lacs, while the remaining one is a flat spectrum radio quasar. We determine a redshift (z) for three of these objects and a lower limit on z for other four sources: the farthest object for which we obtain a redshift has z>0.836. These results are part of a more extended campaign of optical spectroscopy follow-up of 3FHL blazars, aimed to obtain a complete sample of blazars at >10 GeV which will then be used to extend our knowledge on blazar emission mechanisms and on the extragalactic background light.

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S. Marchesi, A. Kaur and M. Ajello
Mon, 17 Sep 18

Comments: 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication on the Astronomical Journal Supplement Series. The spectra analyzed in this work are available at the following link: this https URL