A Comparison of p-g Tidal Coupling Analyses [HEAP]


Two recent studies have attempted to constrain the proposed $p$-$g$ tidal instability with gravitational-wave data from GW170817. The studies use Bayesian methods to compare a model that includes $p$-$g$ tidal effects with one that does not. Using the same data, they arrive at very different conclusions. Reyes & Brown find that the observations of GW170817 strongly disfavor the existence of $p$-$g$ mode coupling. However, the LIGO and Virgo Collaborations find that neither model is strongly favored. We investigate the origin of this discrepancy by analyzing Reyes & Brown’s publicly available posterior samples. Contrary to their claims, we find that their samples do not disfavor $p$-$g$ mode coupling.

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R. Essick and N. Weinberg
Wed, 5 Sep 18

Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures