A 1-dimensional hydrodynamic model for the cooling and heating of gas in dark matter halos from $z=6$ to $z=0$ [GA]


We study an idealized 1D model for the evolution of hot gas in dark matter halos for redshifts $z=[0,6]$. We introduce a numerical setup incorporating cosmological accretion of gas, along with the growth of the halo, based on the Van den Bosch model for the average growth of halos as a function of cosmic time. We evolve one-dimensional Lagrangian shells with radiative cooling of the gas and heating due to feedback from the gas cooling and moving in toward the center. A simple Bondi accretion model on to a central black hole is used to include feedback. The setup captures some of the key characteristics of spherically symmetric accretion onto the halos: formation of virial shocks slightly outside $r_{200}$ and long-term thermal balance in the form of cooling and heating cycles. The gas density outside our initial halos at $z=6$ is constrained by requiring that the baryon fraction within the virial radius for adiabatic conditions be equal to the universal value at almost all times. The total mass in the cold phase ($\sim 10^4$ K) within $40$ kpc is tracked as a function of the halo mass and redshift. We compare the evolution of the cold gas mass to the observed stellar-mass versus halo mass relations, following which, we can constrain the feedback energy required for different halo masses and redshifts. We also compare and match the hot gas density and temperature profiles for the most massive halo in our model to those observed recently for redshifts upto $2$. Our model is thus an improvement over the semi-analytic models in which isothermal condition and $\rho \propto r^{-2}$ are assumed.

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P. Choudhury, G. Kauffmann and P. Sharma
Fri, 17 Aug 18

Comments: 17 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcome