State Transitions of GRS 1739$-$278 in the 2014 Outburst [HEAP]

We report on the X-ray spectral analysis and time evolution of GRS 1739$-$278 during its 2014 outburst based on MAXI/GSC and Swift/XRT observations. Over the course of the outburst, a transition from the low/hard state to the high/soft state and then back to the low/hard state was seen. During the high/soft state, the innermost disk temperature mildly decreased, while the innermost radius estimated with the multi-color disk model remained constant at $\sim18\ (\frac{D}{8.5\ \mathrm{kpc}}) \ {(\frac{\cos i}{\cos 30^{\circ}})}^{-1/2}$ km, where $D$ is the source distance and $i$ is the inclination of observation. This small innermost radius of the accretion disk suggests that the central object is more likely to be a Kerr black hole rather than a Schwardzschild black hole. Applying a relativistic disk emission model to the high/soft state spectra, a mass upper limit of $18.3\ \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$ was obtained based on the inclination limit $i<60^{\circ}$ for an assumed distance of 8.5 kpc. Using the empirical relation of the transition luminosity to the Eddington limit, the mass is constrained to $4.0-18.3\ \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$ for the same distance. The mass can be further constrained to be no larger than $9.5\ \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$ by adopting the constraints based on the fits to the NuSTAR spectra with relativistically blurred disk reflection models (Miller et al. 2015).

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S. Wang, N. Kawai, M. Shidatsu, et. al.
Wed, 15 Aug 18

Comments: This paper was accepted by PASJ and published on 2018 May 25