Meaningful Details: The value of adding baseline dependence to the Neutrino-Dark Matter Effect [HEAP]

The possibility of a dark matter effect on the flavour spectra of astronomical neutrinos was explored by De Salas, Lineros, and T\’ortola using a simplified version of the standard neutrino mixing formula which excised the baseline dependency. In this work, we report results calculated with the full formula (i.e. including the baseline dependency) and employing two different bases for the dark-matter neutrino interactions: the flavour basis, as for the weak interaction in the Standard Model, and the mass basis, which is predicted by certain non-Standard Models (specifically Scotogenic models). It was found that including baseline dependency dramatically increased the explorable parameter space. The two bases yield substantially different oscillation patterns, which suggests that the observation of astronomical neutrinos can conceivably shed light on the neutrino mass generation mechanism. Additionally, we presented results for the blazar TXS 0506+056, the first identified source of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. It was found that a source like TXS 0506+056 can put significant constraints on neutrino-dark matter interactions.

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W. Marks and F. Cao
Tue, 14 Aug 18

Comments: 18 pages, 17 figures