Pupil Plane Phase Apodization [IMA]


Phase apodization coronagraphs are implemented in a pupil plane to create a dark hole in the science camera focal plane. They are successfully created as “Apodizing Phase Plates” (APPs) using classical optical manufacturing, and as “vector-APPs” using liquid-crystal patterning with essentially achromatic performance. This type of coronagraph currently delivers excellent broadband contrast ($\sim$10$^{-5}$) at small angular separations (few $\lambda/D$) at ground-based telescopes, owing to their insensitivity to tip/tilt errors.

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M. Kenworthy, J. Codona and F. Snik
Tue, 31 Jul 18

Comments: Invited chapter, to be published in the “Handbook of Astronomical Instrumentation”, Vol. 3, eds. A. Moore and D. Burrows, WSPC (2018). 9 pages, 1 figure