The Dark Side Properties of Galaxies Requires (viable) Modifications to the Verlinde's Emergent Gravity Theory [GA]

Dark Matter is an unknown entity in the Universe. Although several fields of astrophysics \& cosmology are trying to endorse this elusive matter, however, its nature remains an open question. Recently, Verlinde\cite{verlinde2017emergent} has proposed the Emergent Gravity theory (EGT), which is creating severe issues for DM identity. In this work, we have examined the EGT in the light of the kinematics of the spiral and elliptical galaxies. Results show that the EGT predictions are in good agreement with latter, though some discrepancy appears in the former. This current work calls for refinement in EGT.

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G. Sharma and P. Salucci
Mon, 30 Jul 18

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