In this work we explore an explanation for the galaxy power spectrum $P(k)$ based on the non-perturbative quantum field-theoretical treatment of Einstein gravity, instead of one based on inflation models. In particular the power spectral index, which represents the slope on the $P(k)$ graph, can be related to critical scaling exponents derived from the Wilson renormalization group analysis, and one finds that the derived value fits favorably with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey telescope data. We then make use of the transfer functions, based only on the Boltzmann equations which describe states out of equilibrium, and Einstein’s General Relativity, to extrapolate the power spectrum to the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) regime and find that the results fits rather well with current data. Our approach contrasts with the conventional explanation which uses inflation to generate the scale invariant Harrison-Zel’dovich spectrum on CMB scales, and uses the transfer function to extrapolate it to galaxy regime. The results we present here only assumes quantum field theory and Einstein’s Gravity, and hence provides a competing explanation of the power spectrum, without relying on the assumptions usually associated with inflationary models.
H. Hamber and L. Yu
Mon, 30 Jul 18
Comments: 29 pages, 5 figures
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