WASP-147b, 160Bb, 164b and 165b: two hot Saturns and two Jupiters, including two planets with metal-rich hosts [EPA]


We report the discovery of four transiting hot Jupiters, WASP-147, WASP-160B, WASP-164 and WASP-165 from the WASP survey. WASP-147b is a near Saturn-mass ($M_P = 0.28 M_{J}$) object with a radius of $ 1.11 \, R_{J}$ orbiting a G4 star with a period of $ 4.6 $~d. WASP-160Bb has a mass and radius ($ M_p = 0.28 \, M_J $, $ R_p = 1.09 \, R_J$) near-identical to WASP-147b, but is less irradiated, orbiting a metal-rich K0 star with a period of $3.8$~d. WASP-160B is part of a near equal-mass visual binary with an on-sky separation of 28.5~arcsec. WASP-164b is a more massive ($M_P = 2.13 \, M_J$, $R_p = 1.13 \, R_J$) hot Jupiter, orbiting a G2 star on a close-in ($P=1.8$~d), but tidally stable orbit. WASP-165b is a classical ($M_p = 0.66 \, M_J$, $R_P = 1.26 \, R_J$) hot Jupiter in a $3.5$~d period orbit around a metal-rich star. WASP-160B and WASP-165 are two of the most metal-rich stars ($\mathrm{[Fe/H]}_{\ast}=0.389\pm0.080$ and $0.33\pm0.13$, respectively) known to host a transiting hot Jupiter. WASP-147b and WASP-160Bb are promising targets for atmospheric characterization through transmission spectroscopy, while WASP-164b presents a good target for emission spectroscopy.

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M. Lendl, D. Anderson, A. Bonfanti, et. al.
Thu, 19 Jul 2018

Comments: Submitted to MNRAS