Bounds on Sum of Neutrino Masses in a 12 Parameter Extended Scenario with Non-Phantom Dynamical Dark Energy ($w(z)\geq -1$) [CEA]

We performed a Bayesian analysis and obtained constraints on a 12 parameter extended cosmological scenario including non-phantom dynamical dark energy (NPDDE hereafter) with CPL parametrization ($w_0-w_a$ approach with $w(z) = w_0 + w_a (1-a) \geq -1$ at all times). Along with NPDDE we also include the six $\Lambda$CDM parameters, number of relativistic neutrino species ($N_{\textrm{eff}}$) and sum over active neutrino masses ($\sum m_{\nu}$), tensor-to-scalar ratio and running of the spectral index. We constrain the parameter space using different combinations of these latest datasets: Cosmological Microwave Background (CMB) Data from Planck 2015; Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) Measurements from SDSS BOSS DR12, MGS, and 6dFS; Supernovae Type Ia Luminosity Distance Measurements from the latest Pantheon Sample; CMB B-mode polarization data from BICEP/Keck collaboration (BK14); weak lensing measurements from CFHTLenS; Planck lensing data; and a prior on Hubble constant ($73.24\pm1.74$ km/sec/Mpc) from local measurements (R16). We find that it is possible to constrain cosmological parameters effectively even in such an extended scenario. Especially, we found strong bounds on the sum of the active neutrino masses. Our strongest bound of $\sum m_{\nu} <$ 0.123 eV on comes from Planck+BK14+BAO. We also find that inclusion of the R16 prior leads to the standard value of $N_{\textrm{eff}} = 3.045$ being discarded at more than 68% C.L., implying a small preference for dark radiation.

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S. Choudhury and A. Naskar
Tue, 10 Jul 18

Comments: 19 pages, 10 figures