Revisiting the science case for near-UV spectroscopy with the VLT [IMA]

In the era of Extremely Large Telescopes, the current generation of 8-10m facilities are likely to remain competitive at far-blue visible wavelengths for the foreseeable future. High-efficiency (>20%) observations of the ground UV (300-400 nm) at medium resolving power (R~20,000) are required to address a number of exciting topics in stellar astrophysics, while also providing new insights in extragalactic science. Anticipating strong demand to better exploit this diagnostic-rich wavelength region, we revisit the science case and instrument requirements previously assembled for the CUBES concept for the Very Large Telescope.

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C. Evans, B. Barbuy, B. Castilho, et. al.
Mon, 2 Jul 18

Comments: 10 pages, in Ground-based & Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, Proc. SPIE 10702