Mineralogical Characteristics of Harmattan Dust Across Jos North Central and Potiskum North Earthern Cities of Nigeria [CL]


The trace metals and mineralogical composition of harmattan dust carried out on the samples collected at Jos ((9 55’N, 8 55’E)) and Potiskum ((11 43’N, 11 02’E) as revealed by PIXE and AAS machine using clean Petri Dishes and Plastic bowls of 10 cm in diameter aimed on the characteristics of the mineralogical and elemental composition of the harmattan dust carried out in Nigeria. Thirteen trace elements, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cd, Zn, Mn, Cu, Si, Al, Ti, and Zr were determined and their concentrations were evaluated in different proportion. Minerals such as Quartz [SiO2], Corundum [Al2O3], Hematite [Fe2O3], Lime [CaO], Periclase [MgO], Rutile [TiO2], Zincite [MnO], Bunsenite [NiO], Cuprite [Cu2O], Zincite [ZnO], Baddeleyite [ZrO2], Litharge [PbO], Monazite [P2O5], Montrodydite [HgO] and Petzite [Au2O3] were also determined in different concentrations. The particle weight of the sample for the residential and commercial areas were calculated to be Jos (18.95g/m2, 19.25g/m2), Potiskum (24.24 g/m2, 2515g/m2) respectively. The results shows that the harmattan dust that blows across the two stations in Nigeria comprise of high elements and more minerals.

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O. Falaiye and F. Aweda
Mon, 2 Jul 18

Comments: 18 pqges, 7 figures