The stability of neutron stars and the role of the adiabatic index [CL]

The stellar equilibrium and collapse, including mainly white dwarfs, neutron stars and supper massive stars, is an interplay between general relativistic effects and the equation of state of nuclear matter. In the present work, we use the Chandrasekhar criterion of stellar instability by employing a large number of realistic equations of state (EoS) of neutron star matter. We mainly focus on the critical point of transition from stable to unstable configuration. This point corresponds to the maximum neutron star mass configuration. We calculate, in each case, the resulting compactness parameter, $\beta=GM/c^2R$, and the corresponding effective adiabatic index, $\gamma_{\rm cr}$. The role of the trial function $\xi(r)$ is presented and discussed in details. We found that it holds a model-independent relation between $\gamma_{\rm cr}$ and $\beta$. This statement is strongly supported by the large number of EoS and it is also corroborated by using analytical solutions of the Einstein’s field equations. Accurate observational measurements of the upper bound of the neutron star mass and the corresponding radius, in connection with the present predictions, may help to impose constraints on the high density part of the neutron star equation of state.

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P. Koliogiannis and C. Moustakidis
Wed, 27 Jun 18

Comments: 14 pages, 1 table, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1612.01726