We present a Python package, pwv_kpno, that provides models for the atmospheric transmission due to precipitable water vapor (PWV) above Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO). Using the package, ground based photometric observations taken in the $ugrizy$ bands ($3,000 < \lambda < 12,000$ \AA) can be corrected for atmospheric effects due to PWV. Atmospheric transmission in the optical and near-infrared is highly dependent on the PWV column density along line of sight. By measuring the delay of dual-band GPS signals through the atmosphere, the SuomiNet project provides accurate PWV measurements for hundreds of locations around the world. We installed a dual-band GPS system at KPNO in the spring of 2015. The pwv_kpno package uses published SuomiNet data in conjunction with MODTRAN models to determine the modeled atmospheric transmission function at Kitt Peak. In addition, we demonstrate that we can successfully predict the PWV at KPNO from nearby dual-band GPS stations on the desert floor. We thus can provide atmospheric transmission functions for observations taken from 2010 onward. This software is modular and is intended to be extensible to other observatories.
D. Perrefort, W. Wood-Vasey, K. Bostroem, et. al.
Wed, 27 Jun 18
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