Dark Matter particles are widely assumed to be weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with sub-GeV mass. WIMP detection would require the use of small gap materials in sensors. We propose the use of informatics tools to rapidly assay materials band structures to search for small gap semiconductors and semimetals. Using recent estimates of the WIMP mass, we identify the relevant target space towards small band gap materials (100-10 meV). We use a large dataset search to identify candidate materials, rather than focusing on a few preselected compounds. Dirac Materials, a class of small- or zero-gap materials, emerge as natural candidates for sensors for Dark Matter detection. As a specific example of the proposed search strategy, we use the organic materials database ( to identify few organic candidates for sensors: the narrow band gap semiconductors BNQ-TTF and DEBTTT with gaps of 40 and 38 meV, and the Dirac-line semimetal (BEDT-TTF)$\cdot$B which exhibits a tiny gap of $\approx$ 50 meV when spin-orbit coupling is included. We outline a novel approach to search for sensor materials where a rapid assay of materials using informatics tools yields more candidates and thus provides a useful tool to identify sensor materials for Dark Matter detection.
R. Geilhufe, B. Olsthoorn, A. Ferella, et. al.
Mon, 18 Jun 18
Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures
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