Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in Globular Cluster Systems [GA]

Using the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA), we will make a comprehensive inventory of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in hundreds of globular cluster systems out to a distance of 25 Mpc. IMBHs have masses of about 100 to 100,000 solar masses. Finding them in globular clusters would validate a formation channel for seed black holes in the early universe and inform event predictions for gravitational wave facilities. Reaching a large number of globular clusters is key, as Fragione et al. (2018) predict that only a few percent will have retained their gravitational-wave fostering IMBHs.

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J. Wrobel, J. Miller-Jones, K. Nyland, et. al.
Mon, 18 Jun 18

Comments: An ngVLA Science Book chapter; 8 pages; 3 figures