Natural Inflation with a periodic non-minimal coupling [CEA]

Natural inflation is an attractive model for primordial inflation, since the potential for the inflaton is of the pseudo Nambu-Goldstone form, $V(\phi)=\Lambda^4 [1+\cos (\phi/f)]$, and so is protected against radiative corrections. Successful inflation can be achieved if $f \gtrsim {\rm few}\, M_{Pl}$ and $\Lambda \sim m_{GUT}$ where $\Lambda$ can be seen as the strong coupling scale of a given non-abelian gauge group. However, the latest observational constraints put natural inflation in some tension with data. We show here that a non-minimal coupling to gravity $\gamma^2(\phi) R$, that respects the symmetry $\phi\rightarrow \phi+2 \pi f$ and has a simple form, proportional to the potential, can improve the agreement with cosmological data. Moreover, in certain cases, successful inflation can be achieved even for a periodicity scale smaller than the Planck scale.

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R. Z.Ferreira, A. Notari and G. Simeon
Fri, 15 Jun 18

Comments: 4 pages, 5 figures