We derive an analytical expression for the growth rate of matter density perturbations on the Phantom brane (which is the normal branch of the DGP model). This model is characterized by a phantom-like effective equation of state for dark energy at the present epoch. It agrees very well with observations. We demonstrate that the traditional parametrization $f=\Omega_m^\gamma$ with a quasi-constant growth index $\gamma$ is not successful in this case. Based on a power series expansion at large redshifts, we propose a different parametrization for this model: $f=\Omega_m^\gamma\left(1+\frac{b}{\ell H}\right)^\beta$, where $\beta$ and $b$ are constants. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that this new parametrization describes the growth rate with great accuracy – the maximum error being $\leq 0.1\%$ for parameter values consistent with observations.
A. Viznyuk, S. Bag, Y. Shtanov, et. al.
Wed, 30 May 18
Comments: 20 pages, 5 figures
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