The aim of this study is to distinguish genuine cosmic voids, found in a galaxy catalog by the void finder ZOBOV-VIDE, from underdense regions in a Poisson distribution of objects. For this purpose, we perform two multivariate analyses using the characteristics of voids as input variables. The multivariate analyses are trained on a catalog of voids obtained from a random Poisson distribution of points, used as background, and a catalog of voids identified in a mock catalog of galaxies, used as signal. The classifications are then applied to voids extracted from the Data Release 12 sample of Luminous Red Galaxies in the redshift range 0.45 $\leq$ z $\leq$ 0.7 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (SDSS BOSS DR12 CMASS), showing that the resulting void catalog is nearly free of contamination by Poisson noise.
M. Cousinou, A. Pisani, A. Tilquin, et. al.
Mon, 21 May 18
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