Study of RCR Catalogue Radio Source Integral Spectra [GA]

We present the characteristics of the sources found on the averaged scans of the “Cold” experiment 1980–1999 surveys in the right-ascension interval $2^h$< RA <$7^h$. Thereby, a refinement of the parameters of the RC catalog sources (RATAN Cold) for this interval is complete. To date, the RCR catalog (RATAN Cold Refined) covers the right-ascension interval $2^h$< RA <$17^h$ and includes 830 sources. The spectra are built for them with the use of new data in the range of 70–230 MHz. The dependence between the spectral indices $\alpha_{0.5}$, $\alpha_{3.94}$ and integral flux density at the frequencies of 74 and 150 MHz, at 1.4, 3.94 and 4.85 GHz is discussed. We found that at 150 MHz in most sources the spectral index $\alpha_{0.5}$ gets steeper with increasing flux density. In general, the sources with flat spectra are weaker in terms of flux density than the sources with steep spectra, which especially differs at 150 MHz. We believe that this is due to the brightness of their extended components, which can be determined by the type of accretion and the neighborhood of the source.

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O. Zhelenkova and E. Majorova
Wed, 16 May 18

Comments: 26 pages, 6 figures