Dark Matter and Baryon Asymmetry from the very Dawn of Universe [CEA]


We propose a universal mechanism of producing dark matter and baryon (lepton) charge at the stage of the quasi-de Sitter expansion of the Universe—inflation. The key ingredient of the mechanism is a linear coupling of the field, responsible for generation of dark matter or baryon (lepton) charge, to a function of the inflaton. During inflation this induces almost constant force dragging the corresponding field to the non-zero value. This force explicitly breaks quantum numbers associated with dark matter/baryon abundance at later stages. As a particular realization of the mechanism we introduce a super-heavy complex scalar field with the mass larger than the Hubble rate during the last e-folds of inflation. The global U(1)-symmetry is violated due to the linear coupling of the phase of the complex scalar to the inflaton. The symmetry breaking leads to the generation of a non-zero Noether charge. The latter is directly related to the dark matter abundance, or, alternatively, can be converted into baryon asymmetry, if the complex scalar carries the baryon charge.

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E. Babichev, D. Gorbunov and S. Ramazanov
Wed, 16 May 18

Comments: 27 pages, 5 figures