CMB spectral distortions from black holes formed by vacuum bubbles [CL]

Vacuum bubbles may nucleate and expand during the cosmic inflation. When inflation ends, the bubbles run into the ambient plasma, producing strong shocks followed by underdensity waves, which propagate outwards. The bubbles themselves eventually form black holes with a wide distribution of masses. It has been recently suggested that such black holes may account for LIGO observations and may provide seeds for supermassive black holes observed at galactic centers. They may also provide a significant part or even the whole of the dark matter. We estimate the spectral $\mu$-distortion of the CMB induced by expanding shocks and underdensities. The predicted distortions averaged over the sky are well below the current bounds, but localized peaks due to the largest black holes impose constraints on the model parameters.

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H. Deng, A. Vilenkin and M. Yamada
Fri, 27 Apr 18

Comments: 27 pages, 7 figures