Numerical simulations of the jet dynamics and synchrotron radiation of binary neutron star merger event GW170817/GRB170817A [HEAP]

We present numerical simulations of relativistic outflows propagating through the debris cloud of a binary neutron star (BNS) merger. Starting from the scale of the central engine, we use a moving-mesh hydrodynamics code to simulate powerful relativistic outflows produced in BNS merger environments. We compute synchrotron emission directly from the simulations and present multi-band light curves of the early (sub-day) through late (weeks to years) afterglow stages. Our work systematically compares two distinct models for the central engine, referred to as the narrow and wide engine scenarios, which are associated with a successful structured jet and a quasi-isotropic explosion respectively. Both models naturally evolve angular and radial structure through hydrodynamical interaction with the merger debris cloud. They both also result in a relativistic blast wave capable of producing the observed multi-band data. However, we find that the narrow and wide engine scenarios might be differentiated by a new emission component that we refer to as a merger flash. Its rapidly declining signature may be detectable for future BNS mergers during the first minutes to day following the GW chirp. Furthermore, its non-detection for the GRB170817 event may disfavor the wide, quasi-isotropic explosion model.

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X. Xie, J. Zrake and A. MacFadyen
Thu, 26 Apr 18

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