Event horizon image within black hole shadow [HEAP]


The external border of the black hole shadow is washed out by radiation from matter plunging into black hole and approaching the event horizon. This effect will crucially influence the results of future observations by the Event Horizon Telescope. We show that gravitational lensing of the luminous matter plunging into black hole provides the event horizon visualization within black hole shadow. The lensed image of the event horizon is formed by the last highly red-shifted photons emitted by the plunging matter and viewed by a distant observer. The resulting event horizon image is a gravitationally lensed projection on the sky plane of the whole black hole event horizon sphere. Seemingly, black holes are the unique objects in the Universe which may be viewed by distant observers at once from both the front and back sides.

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V. Dokuchaev and N. Nazarova
Tue, 24 Apr 18

Comments: 10 pages, 5 figures