On the scatter of the present-day stellar metallicity-mass relation of cluster dwarf galaxies [GA]


We examine the scatter of the relation between stellar mass and stellar metallicity for cluster dwarf galaxies in the cosmological simulation Illustris. The mass-metallicity relation exhibits the smallest intrinsic scatter at the galaxies’ times of peak stellar mass, suggesting stellar mass stripping to be the primary effect responsible for the rather broad relation at present. However, for about 40% of galaxies in the high-metallicity tail of the relation, we find mass stripping to coincide with an increased enrichment of stellar metallicity, possibly caused by the stripping of low-metallicity stars in the galaxy outskirts.

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C. Engler, T. Lisker and A. Pillepich
Tue, 17 Apr 18

Comments: 3 pages, 1 figure. Slightly extended version as compared to the one published in the Research Notes of the AAS