The zero point energy in a matter of dense quarks is analyzed, with particular attention on the renormalization of the UV divergences. Besides divergences removable by the vacuum subtraction and counter terms, there are also UV divergences associated with a non-perturbative modification of quark bases. The latter would remain after the self-energies and vertices are renormalized, unless a proper set of contributions is included. We use the formalism of the two particle irreducible action to clarify how the UV divergences are assembled to cancel. An example is given for the thermodynamic potentials with composite mesons whose zero point energies apparently diverge but can be cancelled by the quark self-energy contributions. Important applications of this work are quark matter with hadronic correlations which may realize at the core of neutron stars.
T. Kojo
Mon, 26 Mar 18
Comments: 13 pages, 4 figures
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